The last Wednesday of February marks Anti-bullying Day - also known as Pink Shirt Day.
It started in 2007 when a high school student in Nova Scotia, Canada was bullied for wearing a pink shirt on the first day of school. Two grade 12 students decided that was not okay. They went to a Dollar store and bought 50 pink shirt and used social media to spread the word to other students to wear pink to school the next day. Apparently there was a "tsunami" of pink at the school the following day. And Pink Shirt Day was born. CBC report of Pink Shirt Day
We will be rocking our pick shirts on Wednesday. (I think Pete the Cat needs to add a new verse to his song - I love my pink shirt, I love my pink shirt.)
But, I digress. Instead of talking about Anti-Bullying with k-kids (the litany of don'ts that they will list: don't push, don't hit, don't budge, don't call names. don't use bad words), I want to read about and discuss feeling happy and secure in who they are, and living and learning as part of a community.
And tattling. My class - possibly, the whole school - seems to be in a tattle-fest right now. We definitely need a refresher on tattling vs. reporting - into trouble or out of trouble.
Carolyn Nash made a tattling flow chart. I like it.
Harry Kindergarten posted this tattling song to YouTube. I just wish he had not included the word "brat".

It started in 2007 when a high school student in Nova Scotia, Canada was bullied for wearing a pink shirt on the first day of school. Two grade 12 students decided that was not okay. They went to a Dollar store and bought 50 pink shirt and used social media to spread the word to other students to wear pink to school the next day. Apparently there was a "tsunami" of pink at the school the following day. And Pink Shirt Day was born. CBC report of Pink Shirt Day
We will be rocking our pick shirts on Wednesday. (I think Pete the Cat needs to add a new verse to his song - I love my pink shirt, I love my pink shirt.)
But, I digress. Instead of talking about Anti-Bullying with k-kids (the litany of don'ts that they will list: don't push, don't hit, don't budge, don't call names. don't use bad words), I want to read about and discuss feeling happy and secure in who they are, and living and learning as part of a community.
And tattling. My class - possibly, the whole school - seems to be in a tattle-fest right now. We definitely need a refresher on tattling vs. reporting - into trouble or out of trouble.
Carolyn Nash made a tattling flow chart. I like it.
Harry Kindergarten posted this tattling song to YouTube. I just wish he had not included the word "brat".
Think I might need to order this book.
No Time for Flashcards has posted a list of 75 books that build character. These are some of the books on Allison's list that I will pull off my shelves for reading aloud this week.
I have heard fabulous things about this book. Need to check it out.
Finally, we all need a reminder to THINK before we speak. Shannon from technology rocks. seriously created this poster as a free printable. She says that she is blessed - she is a blessing herself.

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