What if Rudolph's nose was not red?
What if it was green, or yellow or blue?
While red nosed reindeer are traditional, we are an inclusive class. We don't have any issues with green nosed reindeer, purple nosed reindeer, or blue nosed reindeer. We figure there is enough room pulling Santa's sleigh for all the reindeer.
So we made a book about it.
It was really just an excuse to put on antlers for a photo shoot, and and then put glitter on our portraits' noses.
Check out our class book.
Click on the page below to get your copy of a non-discriminatory reindeer class book.
There's an emergent reader that ponders Santa's reaction to a rainbow assortment of reindeer noses.
(I cannot find the origin of this book. I would love to give credit where it is due.)
Click on the image to download a copy.
I put together a big book for the class a few years ago. The noses attach to the reindeer faces with magnets.
Little Giraffes also has a big book version.
And Marcia's Lesson Links has a great black and white printable student version.
happy 4 days of school left before Christmas holidays

What if it was green, or yellow or blue?
While red nosed reindeer are traditional, we are an inclusive class. We don't have any issues with green nosed reindeer, purple nosed reindeer, or blue nosed reindeer. We figure there is enough room pulling Santa's sleigh for all the reindeer.
So we made a book about it.
It was really just an excuse to put on antlers for a photo shoot, and and then put glitter on our portraits' noses.
Check out our class book.
Click on the page below to get your copy of a non-discriminatory reindeer class book.
There's an emergent reader that ponders Santa's reaction to a rainbow assortment of reindeer noses.
(I cannot find the origin of this book. I would love to give credit where it is due.)
Click on the image to download a copy.
I put together a big book for the class a few years ago. The noses attach to the reindeer faces with magnets.
Little Giraffes also has a big book version.
And Marcia's Lesson Links has a great black and white printable student version.

Oh my goodness! How cute is that?
Grade ONEderful
Ruby Slippers Blog Designs
This is great ! So fun !,