one sensory bin - two looks


A variety of shades of green.

Soft.  Springy.  Spongey. Slightly prickly.

Smelling of earth and spring time.

Lots of different colours.

Lots of different textures.

Readily available in a temperate rain forest.

A fabulous base for sensory bins.

I fill a veggie crate or clear plastic bin with moss that I harvest from the forest.

Add drift wood, rocks and tree cookies.

And then we decide who should live in the moss.

Sometimes insects make their home in the moss garden.

Toob insects, bug magnifying glasses and a bug eye invite kids to explore and create.  Bugs Life revisited.

Other times fairies move into the moss home.

They tend to bring a few more housekeeping items than the bugs.  They seem to like flowers, some water features - often with a submersible light, flowers, mirrors, shells, glass gems and a bit of sparkle.

When the fairies and bugs leave us for another year (I guess it gets warm enough for them outside), we recycle the moss in the compost and get ready for butterflies and summer.


  1. You could harvest some moss from my front yard.
    Love! Pinning this, too:)

  2. I love your sensory bins. I've never used them. It is on my Summer Bucket List to discover more about them.
    Owl Things First

  3. What wonderful ideas!! I love the bug one especially. Thank you for sharing on Sharing Saturday!!

  4. I love sensory bins! This craft has been featured in our Bug Craft Round-Up on Artsy Play Wednesday linky. Thanks for linking up!


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