As well as writing an ice cream shopping list, graphing our favourite flavours and anticipating how absolutely delicious our ice cream will taste, we read some ice cream books.
Ice Cream Bear
author and illustrator: Jez Alborough
publisher: Scholastic (1989)
ages 4 - 7
first lines: Bear should fix that broken pane -it dribble drops of snow and rain.
But jobs like that are always kept till after lazy Bear has slept.
summary: Lazy old Bear does not find the energy to fix a broken skylight in his Arctic home. As he settles in his chair for a mid afternoon rest, he dreams that he is over run by a huge ice cream snowball. But that little scare isn't enough to drag him away from the ice cream and to his tool belt.
The rhyming text flows easily and the illustrations captured the kids' imagination.
Or maybe it was the ice cream that captured the kids' imagination.
Do you think my young friend is looking forward to his ice cream cone?
We made good ice cream!

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