dreaming of being brave

This is the face of a girl being brave.

This is the face of a girl who is scared of crabs.

It is the face of a girl who 
decided that she was not going to let her fears
get in the way of what she wanted to do.

It is the face of a girl 
who knew that she would be supported in being brave.

It is the face of a girl
who  picked up a crab leg.
And figured out how it worked.

And then picked up a live crab.

It is the face of a girl
who was proud of herself.

My dream
for myself 
my students
my colleagues
and everyone else

is that 
we all have 
supportive environments
in which 
to risk

and grow.


  1. Good for her! Its not easy overcoming a fear.
    I still don't like picking up live crabs:)

  2. Inspired greatly but not motivated to touch a lizard or snake yet. I hear you my fear, my loss.

    Julie :)
    Mrs Stowe's Kinder Cottage


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