2013: the year that was

I have accepted the Challenge.

The #kinderchat 2014 January Post-a-Day Blog Challenge.

31 days.  31 prompts.  (Hopefully) 31 posts.

Day 1:  a photo to represent 2013

December 2013, Table Mountain, Cape Town, South Africa
Last year I chose JOY as my one little word.  

Not because I am really good at joy.  I am actually much better at worrying (ya, ya - I know worrying is like praying for what you don't want to happen - but I look at it as being prepared for the worst case scenario …)

In 2013 I tried consciously to be open to experience the joy in whatever I was doing.  

This year's one little word … still pondering … stay tuned.

Image Map


  1. Joy is a great word. I try to find the joy in little things - and a smile follows soon after.

    Sharon :)

  2. Great photo!! Hooray for jumpin for Joy!! Happy New Year!!

  3. I love this photo so much. It shows that you accomplished last year's little word. I hope you are excited about going back to school. I am looking forward to your post a day!

    Happy new year.

    1. Looking forward to getting to know and love my new littles. Happy New Year Kimberly.


  4. Happy New Year Sandi! I love your joyful photo!

  5. This is a fantastic photo, Sandi! Joy indeed!


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