fine motor skills turkey

Next Monday is Canadian Thanksgiving. 

A time to remember all that we have. 

I  tell my kids ( my own kids) that we are incredibly fortunate since we have all that we need and most of what we want. 

So much of the world cannot say that. 

This year my husband and I will be spending Thanksgiving in Turkey. No turkey in Turkey.  But we have so much to thankful for. 

pause for thankful thoughts - and back to kindergarten "stuff"

Last year I made my kidlets a button-on-the-feathers turkey. (Thanks Mary Lea from Pink and Green Mama for the inspiration.)

Beautiful fall colours.  Soft, rich wool felt.  

Inviting to the eyes and the fingers.  At least, that was my plan.  

And then the kids would start buttoning.  More of the plan.

The plan seemed to work.

Buttoning is great fine motor practice - both for buttoning in real life and getting those little hands ready to print. 

happy Canadian Thanksgiving - where ever you are



  1. Oh Sandi this is so cute. You did a great job. We dont celebrate thanksgiving in Australia but I really want to join in. Why will you be in Turkey? Feeling envious!!
    Julie :)
    Mrs Stowe's Kinder Cottage

  2. Happy Thanksgiving to you, Sandi! We'll be in BC wine country all weekend. Can hardly wait:))

  3. What a great idea! I think I need to make a shoe tying turkey as well ;)


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